Name Tags:
The students have name tags that they wear when they go into other teachers classrooms for rotations. The hook that we store them on is too high for the kids to reach so when they come back I have them put the name tags on my desk and then I hang them up when I get a chance. Today I looked over at my desk and found their name tags waiting for me to hang up. Made me laugh : )
A student in my class had a birthday today. For birthdays everybody in the class makes a card and then we put them all together in a book.
These two were both from boys. They gave her so many compliments, so cute! Kids are awesome!
This one just made me laugh. "Don't we look funny?" Haha. Why yes you do.
Antarctica: classroom has been freezing. Maybe not quite as cold as Antarctica, but definitely close. My poor kids have been putting their arms in their shirts and then pulling their shirts over their knees to keep themselves warm. Today we were on the carpet and I was teaching about context clues. One of the boys was sitting there with both of his arms in his shirt. I asked a question and he got really excited about answering and shot his arm up (it was still under his shirt). Half of his shirt came up and I couldn't help but laugh. He quickly pulled it down, put his arm through the arm hole and raised his hand again. Of course I called on him.
It is rivalry week as BYU will be playing Utah this Saturday. My school always makes a big deal out of this by posting signs in the hall and by having everybody dress up on Friday to show who they will be supporting. An announcement came on at the end of the day today to remind the kids to dress up to support their favorite team tomorrow. Of course as soon as the announcement was over the kids started chanting "BYU, BYU, BYU" and "Utah Utes, Utah, Utes". As they were packing up their backpacks I heard one kids say "BYU rules, but you know what Utah Utes do? Toot." He has got the concept of rhyming words down. I am so lucky to be around such sweet kids, and so glad that is the extent of their mean comments toward the rival team. There are a lot of people who could learn a thing or two from them.
I am so grateful for my kids that make me smile and laugh! I have the BEST job!
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